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Wednesday, December 22, 2010Y

my oh so boring post will shall start here.

hi ;D

holidays have not turned out so good for me. It's so dead boring ya know?after two weeks of holiday(which felt so short) I went for a holiday to China. It was okay lahh. why wasn't perfect.
  1. Had to sit in 5 plane flights.
  2. turbulence almost in all plane flights expect the one from and to Malaysia.
  3. the food there wasn't good.( need chilli sauce)
  4. people here aren't very nice.(called me xiao ko=small dog)called me ma fan=troublesome)
  5. people in the airport don't understand English.(I spoke to them in English mix hakka)hahahah.
shopping? not much only souvenirs.well, not to blame anyone as my itinerary stated no shopping stops. However does it mean that I didn't stuff. o\Obviously not! first night in beijing, we went out but didn't get a chance to buy anything. FAILED! second night mum didn't want to go out.so she went out and bought us lots and lots of chocolate (snicker mini bars, dove chocolate,lays potato chips, mini oreos and bbq biscuit). third night, mum said only to buy snacks not going far. My cousin and I followed.
I: mum I want to go to one shop very near wan!
Mum: I'm not going far here only. not crossing the street.
I: Okay
Mum: How far more?
I: Very near,reaching already.the shop is in front.

hahahahah. It was a 3 minute walk. she didn't know that. the shop was three floors. hahahahahah. Couldn't buy much as it was winter season. All winter clothes sadly.

Visited my grandpa kampung. It was awesome.Lots of adventure. Visiting the grave yard was one of the nicest.Food there was quite nice. Shanghai was the best. I just love shanghai. Everything there was awesome. Zhang jia jie was a quiet place. the airport is super small but the hotel there was big and nice. Beijing was okay only.

haaaa. christmas is 2 days away. sad no christmas this year. so boring here.


11:34 PM Photobucket
Friday, November 26, 2010Y


Last week of school, it was awesome! Had lots of FUN. Played the 'sign' game and mafia everyday!!!The 'sign' game was the best!! So funny especially when Jen Wen accidentally lifted her skirt up while doing the sign!! ahahahhahahahaha!!

Friday, the last day of school, report card day, Waqar's farewell:(. It was fun. Carpooled with Celine and for the first time I walked on the over head Bridge. The steps were steep and I got tired after climing a flight of stairs. ahh! I always anted to climb the over head bridge and I did!!! yay! ;D The farewell was awesome. Ate at TGIF then went bowling. Only the guys bowled. I went to the snooker place with Waqar, Yvonne and Jia Jun!I didn't like it there. The place had the smoke smell. yuck:(. I left soon after. Met Celine and Wei Xuein at Diva then the followed me to the entrance where my mum was! Bye bye waqar We will miss you lots.

Holidays have began! A whole school year just passed so quickly!It's getting kind of boring during the holidays. It's Friday and I'm already bored!!! you know, you know what?? I finish watching Boys over Flowers! It was awesome. At first I didn't want to watch but in the end I was bored so I watched it!!LEE MIN HO <3 I was addicted to the show!

Secondly, shopping!! I've been going out shopping a lot this week!! So many things to buy!! Plus, need to buy traveling things!!It's so awesome to shop!!! ahhh!! I wanna go again!!

Tonight!!! Peter Pan! free tickets!!! woohoo
I really like Katy Perry's new song -Firework!! it's so nice and inspirational I think!

12:36 AM Photobucket
Saturday, November 6, 2010Y


Freedom At Last!

Before and During Exam week

Before exam week was very STRESSFUL and TIRING. Studied my ASS off. okay? I want the reward so MUCH! For the first time I actually studied my ass off. I usually study once before the exam and don't remember anything and during exam just use common sense, but this time it was different. I studied around 2-3 times each subject expect for bm(only novel). Besides studying I also play much before exam. Halloween?

During Exam Week

Every morning went into the class and started studying. However, I couldn't concentrate much. Distractions. I force myself to study, it was difficult. Can you believe it I can actually understand Maths the night before the maths test. I am very careless. Luckily during exam I check through for paper 1. Just to make sure I don't loose my precious marks. Paper 2 was like OMGee. It wasn't that hard but took a long time to finish. I didn't finish it so as the rest of the class. Lucky for me I left outed around 1 sum, others left around 3 pages. I scrambled through the last page. I was hurrying. Next, science. Biology wasn't that bad. Quite okay!!! I'm so happy. Chemistry was like WHATT? Hard you know!!! Luckily I didn't do as bad as I expected too. Chinese, quite good actually. I could figure out some. I think I'm improving a lot. I love my Chinese teacher. She is such a good and dedicated teacher. She really wants me to improve. She technique is awesome I know so much more words. I was like from 0 and now around 300!! I'm so happy. B.m English and Computer was okayy lahh!!! Omgosh mann History and Geography wasn't very hard but Had no extra time. I finish just on the dot. MALAYSIAN STUDIES!!! It was okay lahh!!! but the history part I used common sense. lollol!!


We wrote too short during the mid-term and now we wrote long but had to time.

After exam

IT WAS OUT OF THIS WORLD... It was the last minute before times up!!! The excitement!! haaa... before our last paper MS. I told Shi Hong, Waqar and Jia Jun ' I will jump after exam'. They laugh and said they were going to take video and all that crap. After the exam was chaos. Everyone was like? happy? Teacher told us to sit and Jia Jun was nearest to me and i old him that 'You know what?' 'I forgot to jump!!!' ahahahahahha. I totally forgot.

And then..

Played computer for the whole night. I had a headache after that. Probaly because I've not used it in weeks and yeah!!

Cousins came shopped!!!

Deepavali!!! Happy Deepavali

Currently siting in front of the screen.

tata for now!!!

7:17 AM Photobucket
Saturday, October 16, 2010Y

sorry i have not updated this blog


Exams are around the corner. It's a BAD thing i've started being LAZY. Being lazy xould ruin my hopes and could stop me from achiving my goals. I need motivation. The only thing that is motivating me is ......(below). After exams i thought of getting the Sony NWZ-W252. It's soo awesome. It's waterproof you know!!! lol;D. Sad thing is, I have to buy with my own money n it's expensive. SADSAD!! U know that glee season 2 episode 4 has came out! waiting for episode 5.N,and, have you heard of Hellcats? Well it's nice. actually it's awesome.

Getting back to the topic. I need to work hard. Where is the hardworking side of me when I need it?Come back to me fast. I need you to do well in my finals. I need the reward. okay? please. lol;D

I just can't study. There always will be distrations. Currently I have some Zoo Project, I am not done with it. Monday deadline. My gosh, it's gonna look really crapy. Plus I have a photo album to complete. So tiring. My gosh. Help me please. Need to study!!

9:00 AM Photobucket
Friday, September 24, 2010Y

I'm gonna celebrate and live my life

I have not been blogging for a while now!! It's sad I know!!! Blogging is fun yet it can can boring after sometime. What have I done so farr...
During the last bits of my wonderful holidays, I went to Malacca for my uncle's wedding. The teas ceremony wasn't that fun! kinda boring actually. Luckily Shao Wei brought her G10 it's a point and shoot camera. The latest version of the point and shoot is the s90 the one i want. its so nice. I do want a DSLR but it's soo heavy I can barely lift it. Mann I'm weak, I know. Took many pictures. See them at Facebook. Rushed home and finish my geography project. It was last minute work! it's super ugly and plain. Homework ! Homework!

I re-wrote my English and I was at the last sentence and boom!! I accidentally closed my Microsoft instead of firefox.!! SADSADSAD I stayed up until 12 to do it all over again.

Science project was another last minute work!!! Issshhh! I have been doing things last minute!! mann so lazy to complete my work!! my science didn't look as crappy as my geo though!

Projects are over for now! I love doing projects. It's so fun to thing of new ideas and import ideas. Once you have completed your project, you will feel happy and you would look at your work over and over again. but on the other hand, you might feel OMGEE! It's looks horrible and feel like re-doing but don't have the time! felt bored when I had nothing to do!! was sooooo bored I looked in the net to find 'how do you play Justin bieber baby in the piano?' aimless!lol...

I have a new project now planting a plant. It's not my job this time! It's group work and teacher asked the ASSISTANT LEADER. wooo-hoooo!

Currently blogging and watching Glee season 2 Auditory!! Rachel has a new hairstyle and it's soo nice!!!she looks soo much better now!!!
till then, bye <3

1:30 AM Photobucket
Saturday, September 4, 2010Y

Holidays R finally HERE!!!

I'm so HAPPY!! but kinda sad too..


because... it means that the faster it will end and my COMPUTER got reformatted and my PHOTOSHOP CS2,4 is GONE!!! I tell you GONE!!! how sad... now I will have the Whole holiday without photoshop!!!The worst of all, I don;t eve have Microsoft Word NOOOO!!!!!
Mann, this is HORRIBLE

N I have tonns to holiday homework.!! What is the POINT of a HOLIDAY when you have so much WORK!
Today I'm quite tired when for SCOUTS not it was AWESOME we played this game called SNAKE!!! its FUN, then we watched a MOVIE! It was soooooooooooo DISGUSTING. I felt like Vomiting! OMGee weih!! I was so HUNGRY before the show!!! and during the show i felt so full that I could VOMIT!!!
After all that FUN!I helped out in the English Camp 2010(Primary School)I was playing with the Smart Board!! It was FUN! and was running everywhere and i TOOK
some PICTURES. Most looked ugly but, I love the swimming shots but NOT ALL! that's all I wanna say TODAY.

3:50 AM Photobucket
Monday, August 30, 2010Y


Well I've been having holidays quite frequently now!! actually holidays almost every 2-3 days now!! yipee!!! Last Friday was a public holiday stayed at home did NOTHING besides comp. argh i wanna go out. so badly. Anyways, I went to school today!! It was quite good actually. I was offering to do SO MANY THINGS 4 CLASS DECO!! mann. i was in the mood for doing ART!! n now I've TONNS of WORK!

Up-n' coming holidays

1. Merdeka
2.Mid term break
3.Occasional Holiday(Hari Raya)
4.Malaysia Day

I want more holidays but the aster it comes the faster it will end!!!


4:29 AM Photobucket